Junte-se a nossa equipe!
Você é apaixonada por equidade menstrual? Você gosta de trabalhar com jovens? Você é orientado para a equipe? Se sim, adoraríamos que você trabalhasse conosco!
E adivinha? Oferecemos licença menstrual remunerada!

Oportunidades Atuais
There are currently no available opportunities. For general questions on working at Love Your Menses, please email us: info@loveyourmenses.com
Get Involved
Menstruation Matters To All:
Whether you are someone who menstruates or not, we need you in this movement to end period stigma and make menstruation equitable for everyone who bleeds.

Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can support our organization:

Empowerment Events
Every year, we host signature Love Your Menses empowerment events in select cities to bring together girls, parents, and community members all ages and social identities. We provide a safe, uplifting, and brave space for adolescents to learn about the menstrual cycle from women of color medical & public health professionals, share period stories, and get connected to resources in their local community that support their health and wellness needs.
Location: Virtual Event
Attendance: 50 girls & women