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Educação e apoio pós-parto 

Putting Parents First

Por meio de nossa distribuição de pacotes de cuidados pós-parto, muitos membros da comunidade expressaram a necessidade de mais educação e apoio para as pessoas que vivenciam a gravidez e o pós-parto. Em um esforço para continuar apoiando as necessidades de bem-estar reprodutivo das mulheres, a Love Your Menses tem o prazer de oferecer um grupo de apoio e educação pós-parto virtual GRATUITO de 8 semanas para grávidas e pós-parto negras e pardas que vivem em Boston, MA.


O período de recuperação pós-parto é o momento em que uma pessoa se recupera das mudanças cruciais que ocorreram em seu corpo durante o período pré-natal até o período do parto. Este momento é muito crítico e necessário. A pesquisa mostrou que o apoio social é comprovadamente eficaz em ajudar as parturientes a lidar com estressores psicológicos e físicos no período pós-parto.  

Este ano, apoiamos 200 pessoas negras e pardas com um pacote de cuidados pós-parto. É nossa esperança expandir a distribuição para outras cidades nos EUA e globalmente. 

Neste grupo de educação e apoio haverá:

Sessões educativas quinzenais
Círculos irmãos
Bate-papos em grupo com doulas pós-parto e ginecologistas e obstetras
Pacotes de cuidados pós-parto e outros brindes
e muito mais!

Linha do tempo:

O programa acontecerá de janeiro de 2022 a maio de 2022.

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Fall 2022 Impact

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Spring 2022 Impact

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Anna-Kay Mckreith

1. Was postpartum education helpful?

Yes, the postpartum education I received was incredibly helpful. It provided valuable information and support that I needed as a mother, especially considering that this was my first time having a baby in the USA. The classes covered a wide range of topics, including breastfeeding, nutrition for infants, and the importance of self-advocacy in the healthcare system. These topics were not only informative but also practical, helping me feel more confident and prepared as a parent.

2. How has it contributed to your parenting, even though this is not your first baby?

Even though this was not my first child, the postpartum education classes were still highly beneficial. They gave me the opportunity to refresh my knowledge and learn about any new practices or guidelines specific to the USA. Additionally, it provided a supportive community of mothers from diverse backgrounds, which allowed me to exchange experiences and gain new perspectives on parenting.
The classes also emphasized the importance of self-care and mental well-being, which is crucial for parents regardless of whether it's their first or subsequent child. This focus on self-care has had a positive impact on my parenting by reminding me to prioritize my mental and emotional health, ultimately benefiting both me and my children.

3. What were the key takeaways from the postpartum education classes?

Some of the key takeaways from the postpartum education classes included:

*The importance of breastfeeding and normalizing nursing in public spaces.

The significance of nutrition and healthy food preparation for infants.

The value of advocating for oneself and one's child in healthcare settings.

*Building a supportive community of mothers from various backgrounds.

Creating a safe space for self-expression and vulnerability as mothers.

Understanding what to expect when having a baby in the USA, especially in terms of healthcare and cultural differences.

4. Would you recommend childbirth education to other moms?

Absolutely, I would wholeheartedly recommend childbirth education classes to other moms. These classes not only provide essential knowledge but also create a supportive and inclusive environment for mothers to connect and share their experiences. It's a valuable resource for both first-time parents and those, like me, who have had children before but are navigating new circumstances. Childbirth education helps build confidence and promotes positive parenting experiences.

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